Das BBC Gardeners' World Magazine ist seit seiner Einführung im Jahr 1991 die maßgebliche Stimme im Gartenbau und der klare Marktführer. Mit preisgekrönten redaktionellen Inhalten bietet es in der beliebten Rubrik „Was jetzt zu tun ist“ aktuelle, praxisnahe Ratschläge sowie regelmäßige Beiträge und Features von den bekanntesten Namen der BBC-Gartenwelt.
Mit frischen Ideen und klaren Ratschlägen liefert das BBC Gardeners' World Magazine kreative, praktische und problemlösende Lösungen für alle begeisterten Gärtner. Dieses Abonnement umfasst die gedruckte Version des Magazins, das 12 Mal im Jahr erscheint und in englischer Sprache verfasst ist. Genießen Sie die hochwertige Garteninspiration und Expertenwissen direkt aus dem Vereinigten Königreich.
Was Sie in jeder Ausgabe erwarten können:
Sehen Sie sich unten alle Bewertungen unserer Kunden an
Prima klantenservice.
Good advice, practical tips, nice pics and I am a Monty fan. Best gardening read!
I buy it regularly. I also look at Gardeners World every Friday with Monty Don. Beautiful magazine with great articles and tips.
Translated from Dutch to English. Here's the original review.
Ik koop het regelmatig. Ik kijk ook elke vrijdag naar Gardeners World met Monty Don. Prachtig magazine met geweldige artikelen en tips
Had I had to bring two things to a desert island it would have been Monty Don and Gardeners' World Magazine.
A priceless source for tips' tricks and inspiration
This review was translated from Swedish to English. Here's the original review:
Hade jag fått ta med mej två saker till en öde ö hade det varit Monty Don och Gardeners' World Magazine. Ovärderlig källa för tips' tricks och inspiration.
I love the tv show and of course this magazine. So much useful ideal and good tips! In a good mannered and friendly way.
I have even named my puppy dog Monty - after Monty Don.
It is so vital to keep in touch with this excellent magazine. I've learnt so much from it in the UK I am now able to use knowledge on Italian soil. I am Italian but I have always been inspired by the wild flower gardens, garden tips and education drive of this magazine. Happy gardening
I am a Sicilian and find the contents and images of the magazine highly stimulating. But what I appreciate most, is the openness towards eco-sustainability, presented as an indispensable value for any gardener. A value that makes the difference and the quality of the 'approach to gardening, considered here in all its potential. It ranges in fact from the creative aspect, to the therapeutic-aggregating, to the practical-technical aspect. So congratulations to publishers and their educational mission.
This review was translated from Italian to English. This is the original review:
Io siciliana,trovo altamente stimolante i contenuti e le immagini della rivista.Ma quello che apprezzo di più , è l'apertura verso l'ecosostenibilita',presentata come un valore irrinunciabile per qualsiasi giardiniere.Un valore che fa la differenza e la qualità dell'approccio al giardinaggio, considerato qui in tutta la sua potenzialità .Si spazia infatti dall'aspetto creativo,a quello terapeutico-aggregante,a quello pratico-tecnico.Dunque complimenti agli editori e alla loro missione educativa.
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